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Library Orientation


Li Ka Shing Library

Kwa Geok Choo Law Library

Kwa Geok Choo Law Library

SMU Libraries Welcome You!


Who is it for?  ALL Year 1 Students
Why is it important?  As part of your graduate learning outcomes, you are required to be an independent, self-directed learner to be able to undertake academic research. You will learn how to locate your course readings and have research and critical thinking skills beyond Wikipedia and Google, especially in the digital world where fake news prevails.
How do I participate? 

Part I: Attend the SMU Libraries Orientation as part of your Freshmen Orientation.  

Please refer to the Freshmen Orientation website for more details. 

Part II: Complete LIB001 – Library Research Skills 2023-24 learning activities and quizzes in eLearn. You will receive an email with more details from us in late July. Please stay tuned!


Connect With Us!

Have Questions? 

Check out the FAQs


We look forward to seeing you at SMU Libraries!