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Frequently Asked Questions

Dato' Kho Hui Meng Career Centre (DKHMCC) & Finishing Touch Programme

The Dato’ Kho Hui Meng Career Centre (DKHMCC) adopts a holistic approach that prepares students for the workplace through organisation of employability skills workshops, networking events, recruitment and industry talks along with company visits to facilitate engagement with industry. An SMU student can leverage the university’s close collaboration with industry which brings a multitude of internships and job opportunities onboard.

Tap on the myriad career resources and profiling tools for better insights into your personality while finding out about the different career areas and various industries of your interest. The career centre has an annual publication called Career Guide.

Each SMU student is assigned a Career Coach to help strategise his/her career goals and vision.

Do reach out to your Career Coach when you are ready to formulate your career plan. Adequate preparation and research will enrich your coaching session. Career Coaches can help students clarify and sharpen their career plan, conduct resume reviews and facilitate mock interviews prior to the selection process for internships or full-time jobs.

Visit OnTRAC II > Shortcuts > Request a Career Coaching Appointment to arrange a meeting with your Career Coach.

Early research and seeking advice in your first year will not only ascertain your interest and strengths towards your career choice but also lend an edge towards successful career management.

SMU’s rigorous internship programme offers all undergraduates practical exposure to the corporate world. The 10-week internship duration was established following the university’s extensive discussions with practitioners across diverse industries: to provide students with the opportunity to observe, understudy, learn and contribute to the host organisations they are attached to.

The mandatory Finishing Touch (FT) Programme prepares undergraduates throughout their four-year course of studies in employability skills and gears them towards career success.

Undergraduates enrolled from AY2019/2020 onwards are required to complete the following online learning units on eLearn: 

  1. Reflective Practice Unit (RPU): offers guidance on how to pen meaningful reflections that capture the highlights of your co-curricular experiential learning throughout your SMU life. This module is a prerequisite before attempting the online internship readiness and community service modules.

    *Remember to activate your Integrated Co-Curricular Management System (ICMS) portfolio after completing your Reflective Practice Unit (RPU) on eLearn.
  2. Six Internship Readiness Modules (collectively known as Foundational FT Programme)

    • Self-Discovery and Basic Career Planning (IRM101)
    • Creating and Managing your Professional Digital Footprints (IRM102)
    • Resume and Cover Letter Writing (IRM103)
    • Job Search Strategies (IRM104)
    • Interviewing Skills (IRM105)
    • Workplace compliance (IRM106)

    are aimed at imbuing students with employability fundamentals.

  3. E-Internship briefing and quiz

    Successful completion of all the above modules would allow students to embark on internships.

    To further supplement online learning, DKHMCC also offers non-mandatory classroom sessions known as “Ask-the-Expert” workshops. These workshops allow students to inquire from trained career instructors about employability issues identified by students when attempting the online Internship Readiness Modules. In addition, there are other optional workshops fielded regularly each academic term for students to be equipped with the soft skills needed to be ready for the Future of Jobs. This suite of “Ask-the-Expert” and other advanced topic or enrichment-type workshops are offered under the Modular FT Programme. 

    Please refer to OASIS > Career Devt & Comm Svcs > The Finishing Touch for information on the Foundational and Modular FT Programmes.

Internship is a mandatory degree requirement for all undergraduates. 

For undergraduates enrolled from AY2019/2020 onwards, the prerequisites for embarking on their first recognised internship include the completion of the following online learning units on eLearn:

  1. Reflective Practice Unit (RPU)
  2. Five Internship Readiness Modules
    • Self-Discovery and Basic Career Planning (IRM101)
    • Creating and Managing your Professional Digital Footprints (IRM102)
    • Resume and Cover Letter Writing (IRM103)
    • Job Search Strategies (IRM104)
    • Interviewing Skills (IRM105)
  3. e-Internship Quiz after reading the e-Internship Guide

    Note: RPU must be completed before progressing to IRM101-105 and e-Internship Quiz.

    Students will also need to complete one academic term of coursework. School of Law students must however complete at least four terms of coursework before embarking on their recognised legal internships.

    While you can intern after your first or second term at SMU, most students embark on their first internship after completion of year 2 when they are more likely to have met their Career Coach at least once and have given sufficient thought to their majors and career choices for their future. 
    Look out for announcements from DKHMCC with reminders to complete the steps above in time for an internship.

    The prerequisites listed above, when duly completed, shall allow you to view and apply for your choice of internships on OnTRAC II from the ample opportunities sourced for you by DKHMCC. Understanding the hiring timelines of targeted companies and industries, requirements of internship opportunities and expectations of host organisations is key to your successful internship planning.
    Internship carries 1 Credit Unit (CU) for all undergraduate degree programmes except the Bachelor of Laws.

BOSS (Bidding Online System)

The maximum refund for each course in BOSS Bidding Round is as follows: e$50 (Round 1 & 1A), e$40 (Round 1B), e$30 (Round 2) and e$10 (Round 2A).

Please refer to "Dropping a Confirmed Course" after the close of Round 2A on this OASIS page.

Students will be billed after the release of outcome for Round 1results. Dropping a course in Round 2 will incur a penalty unless the student is successful for another course bid in that round. No e$ for Term 3 if the student does not have a course with a grade at end of Term 3.

For details regarding "Term 3 Billing", please refer to "Fee Penalty for Term 3" on this OASIS page.

Dropping a confirmed course in Round 2 of Term 3B will incur a penalty of 40% tuition fees being forfeited.

For details regarding Term 3 Billing, please refer to "Fee Penalty for Term 3" on this OASIS page

This is due to tie bids. Please refer to "Tie Bids" on this OASIS page for details.

Freshmen are allowed to swap the class timing of their pre-assigned course(s) with another section during the swap window before the start of course bidding exercise. Students will be notified the swap outcome via email.

Your bid is unsuccessful. You may confirm your BOSS Outcome via OASIS > Self Service Apps > My Apps > BOSS Bidding >​ Bidding Results.

When a student bids for a course, this unconfirmed bid is reflected in eLearn to aid student in accessing the materials while waiting for the release of BOSS outcome. Once the outcome is known, this unsuccessful bid will be dropped from eLearn.

It is not possible to transfer e$ to friends. Everyone is given same amount regardless of single/double degree; single/double majors. The number of CUs each student is allowed to take are the same. Your friend will have to bid wisely and if at end of Round 1B, and he/she is in graduating term, he/she could seek advice from his/her School manager.

Freshmen are allowed to enrol for up to maximum of 5 course units (CUs) per term in their first year of study. They will be pre-assigned between 2 and 5 courses as pre-determined by their schools and depending on the exemptions they have.

Core Curriculum

Most Core Curricula around the world specify distributional requirements across different faculties or Schools. SMU created our Core Curriculum differently by conceiving of the student as an adept future participant and contributor in the workplace (Capabilities), a member of a number of overlapping communities (Communities), and a global citizen with interests in and duties to our common humanity (Civilisations), and then offering courses and asking our students to cultivate themselves along these three pillars of development.

At the end of four years, students will be able to demonstrate fundamental disciplinary competencies that they can flexibly deploy across domains and contexts; exercise an integrative intelligence to traverse and reconcile disciplinary, perspectival, and socio-cultural differences with agility and sensitivity; master and apply a range of techniques of inquiry and analysis to diagnose and solve problems across domains and contexts; identify normative and ethical considerations that apply to the activities of the workplace and society, and articulate a personal conception of global citizenship that recognizes the cultural and perspectival diversity in the world.

For more information, please view the learning outcomes of the core curriculum.

Definitely! While the SMU Core Curriculum allows for students’ self-directed learning and affords choice and flexibility to students, a key consideration in its design is to also create opportunities for students from different disciplinary backgrounds to have common classes, so as to enable cross-disciplinary collaboration and learning from one another’s unique disciplinary perspectives.

Writing, Economics and Society, Big Questions, Ethics and Social/Corporate Responsibility are single-course baskets, so these CUs are compulsory. The other baskets, including Managing, Modes of Thinking, Numeracy (from the Capabilities pillar); Cultures of the Modern World and Technology and Society (from the Communities pillar) offer choices within the baskets.

Students need to fulfil 12 CU for the Core Curriculum. Of these, students may receive exemptions for the Numeracy (1 CU) and Writing and Reasoning (1 CU) requirements, subject to satisfaction of the exemption criteria. The other components of the Core Curriculum are not exemptible. However, depending on their pre-university academic qualifications, students may qualify for exemptions in other curricular components, such as Major Requirements (including Major Core and Major Electives) and Free Electives.

Students reading the Law, Computing and Law, or Computer Science degree programmes are not required to take the full 12 CU Core Curriculum but will take a reduced Core Curriculum of 6 CU, not double counted towards the major, comprising at least 1 CU per pillar. Please refer to your respective programme websites for more information.

For more information on exemptions, please refer to SMU Admissions > FAQ > Exemptions page.

After identifying a preferred course, students should look at its learning outcomes, and consider in the first and typical instance if these learning outcomes are similar to those of any course that is offered in the Core Curriculum; or, in the second and unusual instance, if they are closely aligned with the relevant Basket Learning Outcomes as shown in the table below. This table provides information aimed at guiding students to select the appropriate basket where the proposed ISEP/SUSEP course may fit. The decision on whether a proposed course will earn transfer credit will be taken by Dean, Core Curriculum, on the recommendation of the Basket Coordinators. Please note that Big Questions, Economics and Society, and Writing and Reasoning, and Ethics and Social Responsibility for Law students must be taken at SMU.

Singapore Studies and Asia Studies provide students with an enhanced understanding of contemporary issues and challenges facing Singapore and Asian countries and/or cultures. Singapore Studies and Asia Studies requirements can be fulfilled by taking courses offered in the Core Curriculum and in the Schools. Multiple-counting for these graduation requirements is allowed: students are allowed to use the same course—where suitable—to fulfil the Singapore Studies and Asia Studies requirements simultaneously.

Core Curriculum courses offered at PSR for students who reside there are taught with a smaller class size of 30 students or below to enhance the interactive nature of the learning experience. Some courses will also speak directly to community service themes and activities specially curated for PSR residents.

For more enquiries, please reach out to

Community Service

Yes. All SMU undergraduates are required to complete a minimum 80 hours of Community Service as part of SMU’s graduation requirement.  

All students will be awarded one course unit (1 CU) excluding students in the Bachelor of Laws programme, upon successful completion of the Community Service requirements. For students in the Bachelor of Laws programme, Community Service is a non-credit bearing graduation requirement.  

We urge all students to plan early and complete the hours in your first two years as no exception will be made on this graduation requirement. Do note that completing your community service late may delay your graduation. There will be no waiver provided for the community service graduation requirement. 

Yes, it is compulsory for all incoming Freshmen. 

You can only start on your Community Service Project after you have completed and passed both the Reflective Practice Unit (RPU) and Community Service Units (CSUs) on eLearn.  

All students are required to complete these online units within their first Academic Year.

Please login directly to the eLearn portal to complete the online Reflective Practice Unit (RPU) and Community Service Units (CSUs).

Reflective Practice Unit (RPU)

a) Login to eLearn portal ( with your SMU user ID or SMU email address.
Elearn login

b) Click on “Co-Curricular Learning” icon.

c) Click on ‘Start here!’ icon and read the overview of RPU to start the learning unit.
Start Here button

(d) Go through the content and attempt the Quiz. To achieve a pass, you will need to score 80% or higher.

(e) You have successfully completed the RPU when you receive an acknowledgement from eLearn’s system generated email.

(f) Do note that you will not be able to view the CSUs until you pass the RPU Quiz.

Community Service Units (CSUs)

(a) Under the same Co-Curricular Learning course, click on “Content”, then on the left column click on “Community Service Units” to read and start the learning units.
Screenshot of the menu

Screenshot of Community Service Units tab

(b) There are four CSUs labelled from 101 to 104. Click on any of the CSU titles to access the content. (You are encouraged to follow the recommended flow).

4 CSUs


(c) Attempt the quizzes in each section. To achieve a pass, you will need to score 80% or higher.


(d) Read the Community Service e-Guidebook.
CS E-guidebook

(e) Attempt and pass the Final Quiz. To achieve a pass, you will need to score 80% or higher.

Final Quiz

(f) You have successfully completed all the four learning units and final quiz when you receive an acknowledgement from eLearn’s system generated email. Do note that you will not be able to apply or self-propose any community service project if you have not completed and passed the CSUs and final quiz.

For enquiries with regards to the CSU learning units, please email to for assistance. If you have problems accessing eLearn, please email to for assistance.

The Community Service Units (CSUs) will introduce you to community service guiding principles and tools such as service learning, needs analysis, asset mapping and sustainability. These units will help you better understand and apply your learning so as to provide more impactful and sustainable service to the community.

Complemented by the Reflective Practice Unit (RPU), the CSUs will enable you to perform deeper and more effective reflection on your community service experience.

The CSUs comprise the following:

  • CSU101 – Understanding My Role in Community Engagement
  • CSU102 – Sustainability and Sustainable Development
  • CSU103 – Service Learning
  • CSU104 – Needs Assessment and Asset Mapping

Do also familiarise yourself with the Community Service procedures and requirements through the e-Guidebook available on eLearn together with the CSUs.

Yes, you have to seek the University’s approval before embarking on any Community Service Project. Please submit your self-proposal/ application on OnTRAC at least seven working days before embarking on local projects or six months for overseas projects. For more information on the CS procedures and guidelines, please refer to the e-Guidebook available on eLearn together with the CSUs. Do note that no backdating will be allowed.

Your seniors will organise several CS projects during the academic year which you can volunteer with. Besides projects organised by SMU students, you can consider volunteering individually in a cause you are passionate about, with a registered Non-Profit (NPO)/ Community Organisation or Social Service Agency (SSA) or Social Enterprise (SE) in your neighbourhood to fulfil your community service graduation requirement. There are plenty of opportunities for students to work with beneficiaries and non-profit organisations in Singapore – be it children from low-income families, seniors, persons with disabilities, mental health, migrant workers, environment, etc.

There are other group-based CS projects you can volunteer with which are organised by other seniors throughout the year. You can also volunteer individually in a cause you are passionate about, with a registered non-profit/community organisation or social service agency or social enterprise near your home.

These 3 Freshmen CS Projects are planned exclusively for you by your seniors to help you embark on your CS journey from the start of the academic year. Do join them for a meaningful journey as training will be provided to help you engage with your beneficiaries. You can select the project that appeals most to you.

For more details, please visit the Community Service Programme page.

We are located at the Office of Dean of Students, #B1-38, Li Ka Shing Library, 70 Stamford Road. We encourage you to email us your enquiries or fix an appointment with us at
For more information on C4SR, visit


Exemptions for freshmen are assessed by the Dean’s Office prior to their commencement of study. Normally, freshmen should be able to view the exemption(s) granted at the end of July. For late matriculants, exemptions will be finalised before the term begins.

Kindly contact your School should you require further clarifications.

You can check out the exemption criteria for the number of exemptions you are eligible for.

Financial Matters

Students who need to manage long-term health, family or personal problems may apply for LOA from their studies. The LOA is usually for duration of one term, commencing from Term 1 or Term 2.

Longer extensions may be considered in special circumstances. However, with effect from Academic Year 2009-10, please note that the cumulative total of requests for LOA (including leave taken to-date) cannot exceed 4 regular terms.

Students are required to remain contactable while on LOA. Students who repeatedly do not respond to the university's attempts to contact them (e.g. via official email, phone) are liable to have their student registration status terminated. Accordingly, they will be withdrawn from the university.

Refund Policy

If the LOA is effected within the first 2 weeks of the term, there will be 100% refund of that term tuition fees paid*. If the LOA is effected from week 3 onwards, there will be no refund**.

The effective date for all applications will be based on the application date. Students who are granted LOA must settle all outstanding fees at Office of Finance before going for their leave.

The above refund policy applies whether you are enrolled in Term 2 or Modified Term 2 or both.

* Students are liable to pay fees upon commencement of an academic school term.
** Students will have to clear any outstanding amounts due.

A formal withdrawal must be filed with the Registrar. The effective date of an immediate withdrawal is the date of the receipt of the formal withdrawal letter/form. No courses or grades for that term will appear on the record of the student, if the withdrawal takes place before the University final written examination. Grade(s) for the registered course(s) will be recorded and reflected in the transcript, if the withdrawal takes place after the University final written examination has begun. The rules for refund of tuition fees are as follows, based on the effective withdrawal date.

Refund Policy

If the withdrawal is effected within the first 2 weeks of the term, there will be 100% refund of that term tuition fees paid*. If the withdrawal is effected from week 3 onwards, there will be no refund**.

The above refund policy applies whether you are enrolled in Term 2 or Modified Term 2 or both.

* Students are liable to pay fees upon commencement of an academic school term.
** Students will have to clear any outstanding amounts due including student loans.

The university also reserves the right to initiate withdrawal in any of the following cases:

  1. A student who skips classes for an extended period of 3 weeks or longer within a term (please see Class Attendance) will be deemed to have withdrawn from the university.
  2. A student who has not completed the coursework requirements and is not on approved leave of absence (please see Leave of Absence) will be deemed to have withdrawn from the university, if there are no courses enrolled after BOSS 2A (third week) of the regular term.
  3. A student who has completed the coursework requirements but not the non-coursework requirement(s) will be deemed to have withdrawn from the university, if the outstanding non-coursework requirement(s) is/are not in progress by the next regular term.

The effective date will be the date which students present their official documents to Office of Registrar. Any adjustment on the tuition fees will be made if the effective date falls before the start of academic term. Otherwise, the fee adjustment will take effect from the following academic term(s).

Students will be notified via email of any charges (and its payment due date) posted to their online Statement of Account. Students may view their online Statement of Account by logging in to OASIS > Finance & Admin > Fee Matters & Financial Assistance Schemes > Account Inquiry.

Annual Fees (comprising medical/hospitalisation insurance premiums, IT facilities and costs of student activities) are compulsory and payable by all students in Term 1 of each new academic year. The annual Fees are inclusive of GST and amount are subjected to vary yearly.

For students who are on LOA for 1 Term or graduating in Term 2 or 3, full amount of annual fees are payable and there is no proration for the amount charged.

Students on a double degree programme will be required to pay the higher tuition fee if both degree programmes are priced differently.

If you are applying to change your primary degree programme in year 2, you shall be liable for payment of the prevailing rate of tuition fees applicable to the new programme if approved. National Servicemen will lose the fee privilege granted for admission to the previous programme.

The Office of Registrar will inform you on the outcome of your application.

There are several financial assistance schemes available at SMU to assist undergraduates in managing their educational expenses, from financing of tuition fees, daily expenses to participating in overseas student programmes.

See more details

Generally, concurrent receipt of two awards in the same year of study may not be allowed.  However, this may vary between awards.  You would need to refer to the eligibility criteria and/or the terms and conditions of award.  If you wish to seek further clarification, you may send your email to the Centre for Student Financial Assistance (, providing details of the schemes you are enquiring on.

You are not restricted to apply for bursary should you be contemplating to apply for leave of absence.  Your bursary application, if approved, is awarded for one year of your academic studies.  Payment is made in each regular term of your study and subject to you being in active term of study.

Generally, a bursary is tenable for one year of the recipient’s academic studies.  To continue to receive such financial assistance, a new application is required to consider the applicant’s eligibility for a subsequent year’s award.

Your tuition fee will be deducted by the order of priority as stipulated by MOE.

Payments from the University to the students are managed via interbank GIRO.  You must, therefore, register your receiving bank account information with the University.  A bank account registered and not belonging to you (singly or you not being a joint account holder) will not be accepted.

If you are a successful applicant who have accepted SMU's offer and are required to register as a student of the University, you must complete the “Update Bank Information” activity, one of the registration formalities required of all students commencing their studies in August.
If you are a matriculated student, proceed to login to OASIS > Finance & Admin > Fee Matters and Financial Assistance Schemes > Account Inquiry > Maintain Bank Accounts > Add Receiving Bank Account with your assigned student computer account to register your receiving bank account information.

Tuition and Annual Fees are posted to your account 2 weeks before term start and the approved Financial Aid(s) and/or Scholarship(s) payments will be posted to your online Statement of Account in due course depending on the approval date. If the Financial Aid(s) and/or Scholarship(s) do not cover 100% of your Tuition Fees, please arrange for the remaining balance to be paid by the other available payment modes below.

Please take note that you are still required to pay the mandatory Annual Fees if it is not covered by any of your Approved Financial Aid(s) and/or Scholarship(s).
You can check the balance due via OASIS > Finance & Admin > Fee Matters & Financial Assistance Schemes > Account Inquiry

There are several options such as yearly, monthly and outstanding statement views.  You can also click to view in separate tabs for the outstanding payments and also retrieve your payment’s receipts online.

Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) finances up to 90% of the subsidized tuition fee payable by Singaporean students.  Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, a student may apply to Study Loan (SL) to finance the remaining 10% and/or annual living allowance of $3,600.

For further information and application, please go to SMU Admissions Financial Aid page.

Application for financing under the Tuition Fee Loan and Study Loan Schemes is one-time only. If you are approved of your application, you do not need to submit a new application in your subsequent year of study.  Once granted, the financing will take effect from the approved term and shall remain for the remaining tenure of your course of study (including summer term).

If you have exhausted your means under the TFL and SL schemes and would still require further financial assistance, you may consider the SMU Education Loan.

For further information and application, please go to SMU Admissions Financial Aid page.

Payment by Paying Bank (GIRO)
GIRO deductions are normally scheduled after the due dates and it is approximately 1 month after term start.  Do look out for the email from Office of Finance on the deduction dates emailed after term start. 

Students are encouraged to pay their fees through Interbank GIRO. The application for payment by Interbank GIRO is secured and convenient by logging in to OASIS > Finance & Admin > Fee Matters and Financial Assistance Schemes > Account Inquiry > Maintain Bank Accounts > Add Paying Bank Account.

Please note that deduction of tuition and annual fees through Interbank GIRO will only commence for account with Approved status.  The GIRO deduction dates would be approximately 2 - 4 weeks after the due dates and the value dates would be broadcast separately. Payment will be debited automatically from your designated bank account on the value date indicated in the email.  If the Paying bank’s application status is Received or Submitted as at the due date, you could arrange for payment via the other available payment modes below, as the application might not be processed in time.

Payment (Online)
Only Debit/Credit cards issued by Visa or Mastercard will be accepted. The Debit / Credit Card is subjected to the limit as granted by your bank. Please log in to OASIS > Finance & Admin > Fee Matters & Financial Assistance Schemes > Account Inquiry > Make a Payment Page to view or make payment online.

Payment by Cheque
All cheque payment shall be made payable to “SMU” and in Singapore Dollars only. Please indicate clearly your Full Name, Matriculation Number (Campus ID Number) and Contact Number on the back of the cheque and deposit it into the Finance drop box available below.

  1. Student Service Hub (opp Dental @ UNI)
  2. Level 1, SMU Administration Building (to the left of the main entrance)

Any fee-related forms which address to Finance can be deposited in the two drop boxes available at the above mentioned locations. Please note that no cash payment is to be deposited into the drop box. Finance personnel will collect from the boxes every evening of the working day.

Repayment of loans starts upon your graduation according to your Terms and conditions per your signed loan agreement. You will be notified upon graduation on your loan repayment commencement. You will need to fill up a reply slip to submit your payment instructions to Office of Finance. No cash / cheque / cashier's order will be accepted for loan repayment. We encourage students to repay via GIRO / Bank Transfer.

Payment methods are as stated below:
  1. Payment By Cheque/cashier’s Order

    All cheque payment shall be made payable to “SMU” and in Singapore Dollars only. Please indicate clearly your Full Name, Matriculation Number (Campus ID Number),  loan account number and Contact Number on the back of the cheque and

    Loan repayment slips can be deposited into the Finance drop box available below:
    Level 1 or 12, SMU Administration Building (to the left of the main entrance) or Student Service Hub (opp Dental @ UNI)
    Finance personnel will collect from the boxes every evening of the working day.

    Please email for more information.

    Mail it to:
    Singapore Management University
    Office of Finance - Student Loans
    Level 12
    SMU Administration Building
    81 Victoria Street
    Singapore 188065

  2. Payment by GIRO
    If you have maintained bank account with POSB/DBS you may apply for GIRO Online. If you do not have POSB/DBS account, you may fill up the manual GIRO form. Please be informed that manual GIRO application will take about 1 month to take effect.

    Instructions on Giro Application via DBS internet Banking


o    Select "Payments", "GIRO: Manage GIRO Arrangements" and “Add GIRO Arrangement”.

o    Under "From Account", choose your preferred account for this payment.

o    Under "To Billing Organisation", select the “SMU”.

o    Under "Bill Reference No.", please key in your Campus ID in BLOCK LETTERS and alphanumeric (e.g. S1234567X / G0123456X) for the Billing Organisation. For the explanatory guide on "Bill Reference No", please click "View More Info".

o    Under "Payment Limit", please key in "0".

o    Click "Submit".

o    Check your information again before you click "Confirm".

o    When you get to the next page, please wait for the OTP (one-time password) to be sent to you through SMS. Key the OTP into your token and follow the instructions given on the website.

o    After submitting the OTP, the GIRO arrangement is then complete.

Students will be notified via email of any charges (and its payment due date) made to their online Statement of Account. Students may view their online Statement of Account for details on the charges and its outstanding amount by logging in to OASIS > Finance & Admin > Fee Matters & Financial Assistance Schemes > Account Inquiry.


You may view your Student ID number (i.e. Campus ID number) from the Demographic Information page at the student portal OASIS (

Navigation Path: ​​​​Apps and Forms > All Apps > Demographic Information

If you have forgotten your password, please visit the IITS Support website.

or approach:

IT Help Centre
Phone: +65 6828 0123

If you miss your SMU Card Collection appointment, please look out for the emails on Ad hoc Student Card Collection sessions.

Please contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance via email at to update the correct programme before you matriculate.

The student’s name must be as per passport / NRIC (including its sequence or comma).

If this is BEFORE you have matriculated online
Please update it via Applicant’s Self-Service > Online Matriculation > Confirm Personal Data.

If this is AFTER you have matriculated online
Please email your new official documents (new NRIC or Passport) to the Office of Registrar at, together with a photograph of yourself (i.e. selfie) holding your new official documents.

Please refer to the student portal OASIS for details.

Navigation Path:​​​​ Finance & Admin > Certification & Personal Info > Update Personal Info and Citizenship.

If there is a change of citizenship status before you have matriculated online – Please email your new official documents to Office of Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance at for update.

If there is a change of citizenship status after you have matriculated online – Please email your new official documents listed below to Office of Registrar at for update, together with a photograph of yourself (i.e. selfie) holding your identity documents.

  • For Singaporeans: Pink NRIC or Passport
  • For Singapore Permanent Residents: Blue NRIC, Passport and Re-entry Permit
  • For International Students: Passport and Student’s Pass

Please refer to the student portal OASIS for details.

Navigation Path:​​​​ Finance & Admin > Certification & Personal Info > Update Personal Info and Citizenship.

NSMen who completed only Online Matriculation from 20 November 2023 to 12 January 2024 and from 14 February 2024 to 29 February 2024, i.e. NSMen who have not completed the Identity Verification process, would need to complete the following steps:

  • Online Identity Verification
  • SMU Student Card Collection

For details, please refer to Matriculated matters page.

As part of SMU's digitalization efforts, the Identity Verification process can now be done online. The recommended approach is to verify your identify using Singapore government's consent-based MyInfo for Singpass users. Alternatively, non-Singpass users can submit their identity documents online for manual verification.

For more details, please refer to the Matriculation Matters page > Online Identity Verification.

After your identity has been verified by SMU, you will receive an email in your SMU email account at a later date informing you of the SMU Student Card collection session.

For more details, please refer to the Matriculation Matters page > SMU Student Card Collection.

All students who have accepted SMU's offer are required to register as students of the University before commencing their studies. You must complete the registration formalities according to the schedule below.

Online Matriculation and Online Identity Verification

Online Matriculation

Online Identity Verification
1st Round

3 June 2024, 9.00am to 28 June 2024, 5.00pm (SGT) 

3 June 2024, 9.00am to 28 June 2024, 5.00pm (SGT)
2nd Round8 July 2024, 9.00am to 10 July 2024, 5.00pm (SGT)8 July 2024, 9.00am to 10 July 2024, 5.00pm (SGT)


SMU Student Card Collection 

Note: Only students who have completed the pre-requisites will receive an email to collect their SMU Student Cards.

Applicable to students

Collection Dates

who submitted their photographs online
by 28 June 2024, 5.00pm (SGT)
29 July (PM) to 1 August 2024   
9.30am - 12pm and 1.30pm-5pm

who submitted their photographs online
by 10 July 2024, 5.00pm (SGT)

8 August 2024
9.30am - 12pm

Collection Venue: Please refer to the venue indicated in the SMU Student Card collection email sent to you

Pre-Enrolment Medical Examination

Yes, it is compulsory for all incoming SMU students. Please note that validity of the medical report is 6 months

The medical examination period will begin from 3 June 2024, and you should seek to complete it by 10 July 2024 for Singaporeans/Singapore PRs and 17 July 2024 for International Students. The medication examination is an important part of the matriculation process. Please note that you need to complete your medication checkup in order to be invited to collect your matriculation card.

Please make an appointment for their medical check-up.

Make an appointment

You may go to any Clinics by The Clinic Group, please inform the counter staff that you are a SMU student and present them with your NRIC or Passport.

Documents required by The Clinic:

  • Singapore Citizen: NRIC (PINK) or Passport
  • Singapore PR: NRIC (BLUE) or Passport
  • International Student: Passport and IPA Letter (please print and bring along the ICA Medical Examination Report form)

Please refer to the Pre-enrolment Medical Examination for Singaporean and PR and Pre-Enrolment Medical Examination for International Student for more details such as the cost of the medical examination.

The Medical Examination covers several areas such as the following:

  1. Declaration of Past Medical History
  2. Urine Test (protein & sugar)
  3. Physical Examination (height & weight measurements, systems review)
  4. Eye Test (visual acuity & colour vision)
  5. Hearing, Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure Reading
  6. Chest X-Ray (filmless)*
  7. HIV Test (for international students only)

For Local Students required to complete Chest X-ray and for Foreign Students required to complete the ICA Student Pass Check-up

No, please note that only medical examination reports from The Clinic Group (as appointed by SMU) will be accepted by SMU.

If you have undergone a pre-enrolment checkup (less than 6 months) with another medical provider, you are required to bring your medical examination report to any of the clinics by The Clinic Group to get an endorsement by the doctor.

If the doctor is unable to endorse your overseas medical report, you will be required to undergo certain medical tests with The Clinic. To prevent any issues with the endorsement of overseas medical reports, we strongly encourage all international students to do their medical examination in Singapore.

For queries or more information, please email

Yes, you can.

Pre-Enrolment Medical Examination
(i) for Local Students not required to complete Chest X-ray
S$29.62 (exclusive of GST)

(ii) for Foreign Students who have done the ICA Medical Examination in their home countries/places of residence*

Pre-Enrolment Medical Examination without:

  • Chest X-Ray
  • HIV Test

    *Foreign students are strongly encouraged to do their medical examination in Singapore with The Clinic Group. 

S$29.62 (exclusive of GST)

(iii) for Foreign Students who are required to complete either Chest X-ray or HIV Test, you may opt for these individual tests and the charges are as follows:

  • Chest X-Ray
  • HIV test


  • $20.00 (exclusive of GST)
  • $38.49 (exclusive of GST)

Orientation Programmes

SMU Freshmen Orientation is the only University-wide orientation programme organised by the Office of Student Life and SMU Students’ Association (SMUSA) for all freshmen.

Freshmen will attend one of the three runs: 

  • Run 1: 9 to 11 July 2024
  • Run 2: 16 to 18 July 2024 
  • Run 3: 30 July to 1 August 2024

Freshmen orientation is a platform for freshmen to make new friends, get inducted into our SMU community and be introduced to the University’s CIRCLE values. In this year’s edition, freshmen can look forward to play fun and interactive games, as well as to win attractive prizes.

SMU Freshmen Orientation is organised annually by SMU seniors for the in-coming cohort. We encourage all matriculated students to attend the SMU Freshmen Orientation. 

Since the inception of SMU, SMU Freshmen Orientation has been a traditional rite of passage for all SMU undergraduates. All freshmen attending the programme are exposed to attributes such as teamwork, collegiality and leadership – all of which are important elements of classroom seminars, project work and CCA participation.

The dates for this year’s SMU Freshmen Orientation are:

  • Run 1: 9 to 11 July 2024
  • Run 2: 16 to 18 July 2024 
  • Run 3: 30 July to 1 August 2024

We strongly urge all incoming freshmen to set aside either of these dates in your schedules to attend one run of the SMU Freshmen Orientation.

Upon matriculation, you will receive an email from the organising committee via your SMU email account for the registration. You can then register for SMU Freshmen Orientation 2024 via the email. Do note that registration for SMU Freshmen Orientation is on a first-come-first-serve basis and your run is only confirmed upon receiving the subsequent confirmation email. 

For any further queries, please contact the Organising Committee at

Yes. There are two parts:

  • Part I: Attend SMU Libraries Orientation as part of your Freshmen Orientation;
  • Part II: Complete LIB001 – Library Research Skills 2024-25 as an e-learning module. 

This is highly recommended for all freshmen.

Register for the Freshmen Orientation, which will onboard you to Part I of the Library Orientation. Stay tuned for an email from the SMU Libraries on Part II of the Library Orientation – an e-learning module LIB001 Library Research Skills 2024-25.

This is one of the highly recommended programmes in the SMU Holistic Student Development Framework. 

Login to the eLearn system (online learning management system) with your SMU ID and password only (no personal email accounts e.g. Gmail or Hotmail).

The e-learning module comprises four learning activities, each containing an online quiz which you need to complete.

This is one of the highly recommended programmes in the SMU Holistic Student Development Framework.  

Please complete all four learning activities including the quizzes by a due date (you will receive an email from us in August which provides more details).  

The eLearn system tracks your learning progress and upon completion, it will appear in your Co-Curricular Transcript. 

As part of your graduate learning outcomes, you are required to be an independent, self-directed learner to be able to undertake academic research. You will learn how to locate your course readings and have research and critical thinking skills beyond Wikipedia and Google, especially in the digital world where fake news prevails. 

In addition to the information published on the Matriculation website, please read our emails for regular updates!  

Email your enquiries to or Chat with us via 'Ask Library' located by the right of our website during the chat service hours.

SMU Student Card & Certification Letters

To prevent unauthorized use of your lost card, please immediately report the loss to the Office of Safety and Security (email: and the SMU Library (email: Please note that you are liable and accountable for any misuse of your card prior to you informing us of your lost card.  

For information on how you can request for a replacement card, please visit OASIS > Student Card Replacement page.

You may request a certified softcopy letter to prove your enrolment status at SMU, if necessary.  Please click here to make the request for the certified softcopy letter. If you have any questions, please email

For information on how you can request for a replacement card, please visit OASIS > Student Card Replacement page.

Please go to OASIS -  Student Card Replacement page.

Navigation Path: OASIS > Apps and Forms > All Apps >  Student Card Replacement

A card replacement request will take six working day from the date payment is made and the form is submitted to the Office of Registrar. 

Please log in to OASIS > All Apps > Day Pass to apply for a day pass. You will receive a QR code in your SMU email account. Present the QR code at the scanner in the designated visitor lanes to gain entry into school buildings for the day. At the SOSS/CIS building and SMU Libraries, you will need to show the email with QR code to the Security Officers to enter the premises.

For any defaced or a change of photograph, a payment of $35 will have to be made. Refer to OASIS > Finance & Admin > Student Cards & Passes > SMU Student Card Replacement.

Payment can be made via the online form or at Student Services Hub (SSH), located at Basement Concourse under Li Ka Shing Library (opposite Dental@Uni).

This fee is non-refundable.

The card would have to be verified by Security Command Centre (SCC) to determine if it is faulty. For information on how to submit a request for faulty card verification, please refer to OASIS > Student Card Replacement page

Requests for certification letters can be made at OASIS > Finance & Admin > Certification & Personal Info > Enrolment Letter & Academic Summary.

Requests for certification letters can be made at OASIS > Finance & Admin > Certification & Personal Info > Enrolment Letter & Academic Summary.

Choose Letter Type: Enrolment Status Letter.

Requests for certification letters can be made at OASIS > Finance & Admin > Certification & Personal Info > Enrolment Letter & Academic Summary.

Choose Letter Type: Enrolment Status Letter - Internship/Comm Service.

Requests for certification letters can be made at OASIS > Finance & Admin > Certification & Personal Info > Enrolment Letter & Academic Summary.

Choose Letter Type: Enrolment Status Letter with SMU Academic Calendar.

Writing & Reasoning (WR)

Writing & Reasoning is the compulsory course in the Capabilities pillar of SMU’s Core Curriculum. At its heart is a belief that communicating genuinely and clearly is a vital human capability, not only in professional contexts but in our everyday lives.

The course equips students with key communication strategies to write cogently in academic, business and professional settings. Through authentic communication problems, students will learn to clarify context, define relevant audience, determine communication goals and use appropriate genres to deliver their intended message clearly, concisely and coherently.  Students will also learn to read critically, formulate a position convincingly using appropriate evidence, and convey their ideas persuasively. 

Yes, it counts towards your GPA. COR1100 Writing & Reasoning carries one course unit (CU).

No, you will be automatically pre-assigned COR1100 in Academic Year (AY) 2024-25, unless you have been exempted.  

See exemption criteria

There is no exemption test. If you do not meet the university’s criteria for exemption, you will be automatically pre-assigned COR1100 in AY2024-25.

No, COR1100 is a compulsory course in SMU’s Core Curriculum and a graduating requirement for students assigned to take it.

The skills you will learn in COR1100 are enduring and transferable. Many students find that COR1100 help them to read and write more critically and effectively in other modules such as COR3001 Big Questions. The practical strategies and practice you will get during the course will help you to become a more discerning writer.

To systematically develop your communication skills, you may consider taking WRIT200 Virtual Business Professional and WRIT300 Professional Writing which have been designed to build upon the core skills in COR1100 and deepen your ability to communicate in academic, business and professional contexts.

Yes. Many students find that COR1100 helps to sharpen their thinking and their ability to communicate more intentionally, which are essential for their academic and professional careers.   

You should submit your request in writing to your School Manager and CEC ( Upon approval, the school will remove the exemption and inform the Office of Registrar (RO). RO will then pre-assign you to a COR1100 class.

A student who wishes to attend COR1100 but not take it for credit may do so only with the permission of the Head of CEC. When a student audits the course, no formal record of the course will appear in the transcript. 

You should submit your request in writing to CEC (

No. Exemption is based on your admission entry category into SMU. Only students admitted under the International student category are allowed to use SAT/IELTS/TOEFL/ACT scores for exemption.

Only the score that is used at the point of admission to SMU will be considered.

No, the combined scores from different sittings of the SAT will not be considered.

No, the grades for ‘A’ level humanities subjects will not be considered for exemption from COR1100 Writing & Reasoning. The skills taught in WR are different from humanities subjects taught at ‘A’ levels.

You may write in to CEC to request an exemption.

The procedure for exemption is as follows:

  1. You should email Please state your full name, IC/Passport number, school (e.g. SCIS, SOA), title of the English language/ writing qualification, course outline, university/institution in which the module was completed and the final grade for the module.
  2. You should submit two to three samples of your writing in this module for review by Head of CEC. These samples should be academic essays of an argumentative or persuasive nature. 
  3. You should also submit a scanned copy of your transcript and/or English language/writing qualification. 

CEC will then consider your application. The exemption decision is final. CEC is not obliged to provide detailed feedback on your writing samples. Please also note that the writing modules offered at different universities or institutions may not be comparable in terms of emphasis and standards. A high grade attained in a writing module from another university or institution does not automatically exempt a student from COR1100 Writing & Reasoning.